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Saturday, 25 April 2009

How Shaka Zulu win over the rivals?

Shaka Zulu

He has been called a military genius for his reforms and innovations, and condemned for the brutality of his reign

Shaka Zulu in Wikipedia

In the past, only long spears were used in the battle. The spears would be thrown towards the enemy from far and "hopefully" the enemegy were killed by the spears. This always led to waste of weapons and rare-victory.

Shaka Zulu made a breakthrough to over come this bottleneck of the usual battles...

1. Making a re-designed spear (shorter)

2. Train his subordinates (for better battling skills)


This is what a leader should be doing.
Calm, desire to lead, knowledge to reinforment/ improvement, revise strategy and guide the whole group of subordinates to improve their skills!

Enjoy the clips....

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