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Saturday, 29 November 2008

Blood donation update!

I promised I will update "later", now is the time :D
These are the free gifts I got from today's plateletpheresis donation.
This post is for my future memory :P

Will going for my 2nd Plateletpheresis on 27th Dec 08. 12.30pm. I have made the appointment just now.. Good good. I will keep going until the day i cannot donate :)
Hope u all can join in for blood donation!!!!
*Ur blood is replaceable, a life is NOT!*


For the one time platelet we donate (thru plateletpheresis), is equal to 5 portions of the platelet extracted from the whole blood (which ppl normally donate)
It means that donate 1 time platelet = 5 times platelet extracted from whole blood.
Platelet is specially for the leukaemia patients.
Plasma is for the patients who get burnt.

Blood donation today!!!

Just back from my 9th blood donation,

BUT this is my FIRST PLATLETPHERESIS Donation!!!

Will update more later.. Now feeling excited!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I donate platelet, no longer whole blood.. :D

Singaporean held hostage at Mumbai’s Oberoi Hotel killed

SINGAPORE : Singapore’s Foreign Ministry has said 28—year—old Lo Hwei Yen, a Singaporean held hostage in one of the Mumbai hotels, has been killed.

At a news conference late Friday night, officials confirmed her body was found on the 19th floor of the Oberoi Hotel.

She is believed to be the the first Singaporean victim of a terror attack.

Jai Sohan Singh, director, Consular Directorate, Singapore Foreign Affairs Ministry, said: "We were told at about 8 o’clock this evening that there was a possibility that a body has been found matching the description of Ms Lo. A final confirmation was made by the husband only at 2135 hours this evening."

Details of what actually happened remain sketchy.

However, Mr Singh did give an outline of how the situation played out.

He said that the terrorists conveyed a message through Ms Lo to Singapore’s mission in India for the Indian parliament.

He elaborated: "As you would have read in the Indian media, the terrorists demanded that the Indian authorities refrain from storming the Oberoi Hotel, otherwise they would harm her...We ask for your understanding that we could not confirm this earlier, as the situation at that time was fluid and fast evolving. It was not appropriate at that (time) for us to do this for operational reasons."

Ms Lo, who is a lawyer at a Singapore—based offshore law firm, was in Mumbai on a working trip.

Her husband, Michael Puhaindran, had flown up to Mumbai on Thursday, after the crisis broke. He is accompanied by an aunt.

The Foreign Ministry is helping the family make arrangements to bring the body back.

It is confirmed there are no more Singaporeans stranded in any of the hotels in the financial capital.

115 Singaporeans were known to be in Mumbai either for work or leisure during the attack on Wednesday night, which has killed some 130 people.

Meanwhile, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong has expressed his sadness over the death of Ms Lo. He knows the family and had attended her wedding last year.

Upon learning the tragic news, SM Goh went to visit the family who were in a state of shock.

"Unfortunately, what we feared came true," Mr Goh told reporters.

Acting Prime Minister Professor S Jayakumar said he and his Cabinet colleagues are also painfully saddened by the news of the death of Ms Lo.

In a statement issued late Friday night, he said the loss of any life to terrorism is sad, and the loss of a fellow Singaporean is a pain more keenly and closely felt by every Singaporean.

Professor Jayakumar said the foreign ministry officials have been on the ground with the victim’s family in Singapore and Mumbai since the first time Singapore learnt of Ms Lo being held hostage.

The officers are working with the Indian authorities to bring her back home.

Professor Jayakumar stressed that terrorism is a threat that spares no one, and this tragic event underscores the imperative for all to be constantly vigilant, and the need for the international community to band together to combat this threat.

— CNA/ir/ls/ms



Rest in Piece, Ms Lo !!!

Friday, 28 November 2008

为了父母, 你需要知道患了中风该怎么做?

为了父母 , 你需要知道患了中风该怎么做?
不怕一万 ,就怕万一 !这样的小常识,还是挺不错的 ,大家看看吧 !

为了父母 ,你需要知道患了中风,脑部的微血管,会慢慢的破裂,遇到这种情形,


如果没有,就拿缝衣用的针,就在患者的十个手指头尖儿(没有固定穴道,大约距离手指甲一分之处刺上去,要刺出血来(万一血不出来,可用手挤),等十个手指头都流出血来(每指一 滴 ),大约几分钟之后,患者就会自然清醒 .如果嘴也歪了,就拉他的耳朵,把耳朵拉红,在两耳的耳垂儿的部位各刺两针,也各流两滴血,几分钟以后,嘴就恢复原状了。


放血救命法,是住在新竹的中医师夏伯挺先生说的。且是经自己亲身实验, 敢说百分之百有效。
大概是民国六十八年一位在台中逢甲学院任教的教师,有天上午正在上课,一位老师跑到他的教室上气不接下气的说 ∶刘老师快来 ,主任中风了;他立刻跑到三楼,看到陈幅添主任,气色不正,语意模糊,嘴也歪了,很明显的是中风了。立即请工读生到校门外的西药房,买来一支注射用的针头,就在陈主任十个手指头上直刺。等十个手指尖儿都见血了(豆粒似的一滴),大约几分钟以后,陈主任的气色就变过来了,两眼也有神了,只有嘴还歪着,他就拉搓陈主任的耳朵,使之充血,等把耳朵拉红,就在左右耳垂之处,各刺两针,待两耳垂都流出两滴血来,奇迹就出现了,大约不到三五分钟,他的嘴形,恢复正常了,说话也清清楚楚了。




● 阅后传知他人,功德无量 ●辨识中风 ~很短有个朋友瑛格莉,在一次烤肉聚会当中绊倒了,摔了一跤,旁边的朋友建议找医护人员,但她很确定自己没事,只是穿了新鞋被砖块绊了一下罢了。


S: (smile) 要求患者笑一下
T :(talk)要求患者说一句简单的句子(要有条理,有连惯性)例如:今天天气晴朗。

※注意:另外一项中风症兆是:要求患者伸出舌头,如果舌头是「弯曲」的,如果舌头偏向一边,那也是中风的症兆。*上面四个动作,患者如果有任何一个动作做不来,就要立刻打120 !!!并且把症状描述给接线员听。心脏科医师说,收到这封电函的人,若能将它转寄给10个人,就至少可以救一 条命。

Thursday, 27 November 2008



Blackheads are comedones that reach the skin's surface. Whiteheads are comedones that stay beneath the surface of the skin. Small red bumps, pimples, and cysts may also develop.


Always see them surfacing out 2 to 3 days after I squeeze them out... Even though I apply toner and refining cream after that, I dont see any improvement on the pores (after consitant removing & applying toner for so many months, shd be smaller ma!)..

Sigh.. too bad la.. they just dun let me off.. they always inhabitat at my nose, my cheek, my forehead.. WTFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!

Nvm, next friday go facial liao.. haha.. ask the beautician to make a thorough "SPRING CLEANING" hahahaha.. :D

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Cat fight in bus no.88

Meteor blazes across the sky in police video

Star struck: Meteor blazes across the sky in police video
By Claire Bates
Last updated at 4:55 PM on 21st November 2008

Chk the report here

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Holidays coming! Merry Christmas!

Holidays are around the corner.
Let's do something unique in this festive season!

Your blood is replaceable.... a life is NOT!!!!!



I want nobody, nobody but CHIU!

范玮琪 到不了

你眼睛会笑 弯成一条桥
终点却是我 永远到不了
感觉你来到 是风的呼啸
思念像苦药 竟如此难熬

我找不到 我到不了
你所谓的 将来的美好
我什么都不要 知不知道
若你懂我 这一秒
我想看到 我在寻找
那所谓的 爱情的美好
我紧紧的依靠 紧紧守牢
不敢漏掉 一丝一毫
你眼睛会笑 弯成一条桥
终点却是我 永远到不了
感觉你来到 是风的呼啸
思念像苦药 竟如此难熬

我找不到 我到不了
你所谓的 将来的美好
我什么都不要 知不知道
若你懂我 这一秒
我想看到 我在寻找
那所谓的 爱情的美好
我紧紧的依靠 紧紧守牢
不敢漏掉 一丝一毫


范玮琪 到不了



Friday, 21 November 2008

Great news to me!

Singapore's First Blogger Blood Drive‏ oganising member called me this evening. YEEPEE!!! That lovely girl (er... from her voice, shd be lovely lah!!! + VERY POLITE!!!) assured me that the organising team member would make sure there is machine for my plateletpheresis donation!! Woo Hoo!!!

I can participate in this event!! ^.^ I dont need to postpone my plateletpheresis donation until 6th Dec!! means that I can go back on 5th Dec, have my hair cut, then come back to SG on 7th Dec & attend my colleague's wedding liao!! **MUST wear smart smart, go out there see if I meet my "真命天女".

Ah... sorry drifted away~

I just want to show my excitement over the eligibility of participating this event!!! 29th Nov 2008, HSA BLOOD BANK! Open your door wide & wait for me!!!!!!!!

**must prepare myself for 90 min to 120 min sitting / lying down during plateletpheresis donation .. Hope my butt' wont pain~ LoL...

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

- - - - - -

Hold Me Tight Lyrics
Artist(Band):The Beatles

It feels so right now, hold me tight,
Tell me I'm the only one,
And then I might,
Never be the lonely one.
So hold me tight, to-night, to-night,
It's you,
You you you - oo-oo - oo-oo.
Hold me tight,
Let me go on loving you,
To-night to-night,
Making love to only you,
So hold me tight, to-night, to-night,
It's you,
You you you - oo-oo - oo-oo.
Don't know what it means to hold you tight,
Being here alone tonight with you,
It feels so right now, feels so right now.
Hold me tight,
Tell me I'm the only one,
And then I might,
Never be the lonely one,
So hold me tight, to-night, to-night,
It's you,
You you you - oo-oo - oo-oo.
Don't know what it means to hold you tight,
Being here alone tonight with you,
It feels so right now, feels so right now.
Hold me tight,
Let me go on loving you,
To-night, to-night,
Making love to only you,
So hold me tight, to-night, to-night,
It's you,
You you you - oo-oo - oo-oo.


tomorrow exam, bye~

Time to buy a car in LION CITY?

COE for small cars drops to historic low of S$2
Posted: 19 November 2008 1615 hrs

SINGAPORE: The COE price for small cars, 1,600cc and below, fell by S$10,453 to a historic low of S$2 in the latest bidding exercise.

The next biggest fall was seen in the Open Category COE, which dropped S$3,601 to S$6,889. Open Category COEs are used mainly for cars.

For big cars (more than 1,600cc), the COE went down S$3,412 to S$4,889.

Meanwhile, the premium for commercial vehicles fell S$2,700 to S$6,189.

For motorcycles, the new COE price stood at S$1,012 - down S$497 from the previous bidding exercise.

The last time the COE price plunged in the small car category was in 2001 when it went down to S$101. And the COE price for big cars was a fluke S$50 in 1997.


COE only 2 dollars, now the car in LION CITY will be REAL CHEAPER than BOLEHLAND!


WARNING: This incident was not happened in BOLEHLAND. This happened in LION CITY!!!!


Sexually assaulted behind bars

THREE prisoners have been charged with physically and sexually assaulting their fellow inmate in a prison cell in Changi Prison earlier this year.
The three men, aged between 19 and 21, are accused of punching and kicking the man in his chest and body, some time between April 26 and May 5.

All three are also said to have forced him to perform oral sex on them in the cell on several occasions between April 27 and May 5. One of them, Mohammed Zameen Abdul Manoff, 20, also allegedly sodomised him in the cell on April 28.

Read K.C. Vijayan's full story in Wednesday's edition of The Straits Times.



Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Based on your OWN JUDGEMENT!

Interesting Questions..



Question 1:

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before looking at the answer for this one.

Question 2:

It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.

Candidate A -
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists.
He's had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B -
He was kicked ou t of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

Candidate C -
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be your Choice?

Decide first, no peeking, then scroll down for the answer.


Candidate A: is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B: is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C: is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, the answer to the abortion question: If you said yes, you just killed Beethoven.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.

Never be afraid to try something new.

Amateurs built the Ark

Professionals built the Titanic

and in case you never saw this one..! ....

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up yet?

It's the 435 members of the United States Congress. The same group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

pass this on if u think its interesting...


The more you care about something,
the fastest & the easiest you lose it / facing big problem with that.

Anyone agree with me?

Let's dont say about love relationship. Let's talk about my recent years' sudden surge of the action in blood donation.

Strongly belive that "anything could happen to us without a warning sign", I am devoting myself to blood donation, targeting at least 3 times per anumn.

To honour my own promise, I keep checking on the donorweb for the date & venue of the mobile blood donations. Let's skip about my 'overwhelmed' blood donation invitation (perhaps include some forcing element, sorry guys).

Last year, I fell sick either before/ after the blood donation. Ppl told me not to donate so many times as my body cannot take it. I was like "what?? this is not the reason! it is only coincidence"

This year, the new rule about Chikungunya had made a big fool on me. I could not donate on September due to that!!!

Now I am switching for plateletpheresis. Again, I could not go back to Malaysia due to this rule.. My next eligible date is 29th Nov. I wanted to donate on 26th Nov but they do not allow me to do so.

Why I choose 26th Nov? My last day of examination. After examination, I can donate in the afternoon, then I can go back home and take a good rest. During that weekend or the following weekend, I can go back and have my hair cut then...

But now, due to the fully booked appointment at HSA blood bank on 29th Nov, and I need to work on weekdays, I can only go on 6th Dec. So what's wrong with this date? I need to stay at SG at least 2 weeks before blood donation. Currently having exam. Which means that I can only go back to Malaysia on week 2 of December (13th Dec).

Plan further down...
January I may go on 4th Jan (depends if I defer for the 2 weeks grace periods).
February 1st is IMPOSSIBLE due to CNY. It will be about 15th Feb the earliest, followed by March 15 and Apr 12 (APR 12 may not donate due to exam, and I am always giving such EXCUSE for not doing any other things. DAMN.

Just now called HSA blood bank and could not bring forward my blood donation, I am a quite disappointed. Even though he explained clearly to me, I still hope miracle could happen. (which is 1 million % not going to happen).

This is why I suddenly want to blog about 你越在乎的,就会越失望。

I care about blood donation, and I have been disappointed due to the unforseen circumstances. I hope that I can relax & dont keep looking forward for the blood donation. I am making myself tense!!!!!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Abducted student made sex slave for three months

A STUDENT was made a sex slave for more than three months by five men in Kuala Lumpur, reported China Press.

The daily reported that the 15-year-old girl was on her way home on Aug 27 when the men, in their 20s, took her by force to an unidentified location where they tied her hands and legs with ropes before taking turns to rape her.

The men bashed her up whenever she refused to give in to their demands. The victim managed to escape on Thursday and realised that she was in Seremban.

An Ampang Jaya police spokesman confirmed the incident, saying the victim had been sent to hospital for medical check-up. No arrest has been made yet.


It is really BOLEHLAND!!! free sex slave for 3 months, and I am 99.99% confirm that they will not get caught!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

I want to watch this for sure!!!!

I want to watch 自闭(jk)(赤壁)2 la!!!

To my 3 frequent anonymous visitors

I have three frequent visitors, who never tag in the chatbox. Thus, I do not know who are they..

Bandar Penggaram, Johor
Bandar Maharani , Johor
Johor Bahru , Johor

Pls own up now!!

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Where the Layoffs Are—Is Your Firm on the List?

Topics:Employment Consumers Economy (U.S.)
Companies:BT GROUP PLC Sun Microsystems Inc Applied Materials Inc Ford Motor Company Motorola Inc Nortel Networks Corporation Deutsche Post AG Circuit City Stores Inc Dell Inc Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. National City Corp First American Corporation Allianz SE CREDIT SUISSE GROUP Wachovia Corp Bank of America Corp Barclays PLC Merrill Lynch & Co Inc UBS AG JPMorgan Chase and Co Morgan Stanley HSBC Holdings, plc. Citigroup Inc Yahoo! Inc General Motors Corp Popular, Inc. Maxygen Inc Fidelity National Financial, Inc. Merck & Co Inc Agilysys Inc Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc Terex Corporation Janus Capital Group Inc Xerox Corp Goldman Sachs Group Inc
By 14 Nov 2008 04:10 PM ET

The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless benefits rose last week to 516,000, the highest level since the weeks following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the Labor Department reported on Thursday.The figure outstripped forecasts, with analysts polled by Reuters expecting initial claims to be only 484,000. The claims were last at this high a level in the week ended Sept. 29, 2001, when they were 517,000.

"This is unremitting bad news. It will continue to be a major issue," said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor's Ratings Services, noting that there were large auto layoffs in Michigan and Ohio. "This suggests another real bad number for November payrolls after what we saw in October."

The US unemployment rate hit a 14-year high of 6.5 percent last month and many forecasters expect it to soar to 8 percent or more next year as the economy suffers what could be a deep and long recession.
A department official said there were no special factors contributing to the spike in claims, but noted that jobless claims often rise as the year winds down.
Here's a rundown of some of the recently announced job cuts: (source: Reuters, with CNBC staff):

Citigroup [C 9.52 0.07 (+0.74%) ] is cutting as many as 35,000 jobs in its investment bank and other divisions throughout the world, and CEO Vikram Pandit instructed budgets for employee compensation by at least 25 percent.

Sun Microsystems [JAVA 4.12 0.04 (+0.98%) ] plans to cut up to 6,000 jobs, or 18 percent of its global work force, as sales of high-end servers have collapsed.

BT Group [BT 18.50 -0.48 (-2.53%) ] , the UK telecommunications firm, will cut 10,000 jobs, or 6.3% of its global work force, inthe first quarter of 2009.

Applied Materials [AMAT 10.23 -1.14 (-10.04%) ] , the semiconductor-and-solar panel equipment maker, is slashing 1,800 jobs, the company annonnced after reporting four-quarter profits fell 45% on weak sales due to declining corporate technology spending.

Circuit City [CC 0.27 0.005 (+1.89%) ] , which is filing for bankruptcy, is laying off about 17 percent of its domestic work force, which could affect up to 7,300 people.

Deutsche Post [AG 27.60 -1.10 (-3.84%) ] , German mail and logistics company Deutsche Post will cut 9,500 jobs at its DHL unit in the U.S. and eliminate U.S.-only domestic express shipping.The new round of cuts, which will see the shedding of 7,000 in a single town, Wilmington, Ohio (pop. 12,00) that has been the hub of DHL's five-year effort to take on US rivals UPS and FedEx on their home turf, are on top of another 5,400 job cuts it already announced.

Nortel Networks [NT 0.56 -0.22 (-28.21%) ] plans to lay off 1,300 workers, nearly 5 percent of its workforce.

Motorola [MOT 4.08 -0.50 (-10.92%) ] posted a third-quarter net loss and revenue fell a steeper-than-expected 15 percent, as a result the telecom equipment maker will slash 3,000 jobs in a cost-cutting effort.

Ford [F 1.80 -0.10 (-5.32%) ] said it would cut 2,260 white-collar workers in North America.

General Motors [GM 3.01 0.06 (+2.03%) ] , which previously said it would reduce salaried employment costs by 20 percent, will also cut another 1,900 salaried jobs on top of the 5,100 announced last summer. GM also said it is reducing some employee benefits, including 401 k contributions and other programs.

Fidelity Investments will start laying off about 2.9 percent of its global workforce later this month—affecting 1,288 workers in the first round from a workforce of 44,4000—and plans to trim more workers early next year.

Toy maker Mattel Inc. [MAT 13.91 -1.05 (-7.02%) ] says it is cutting some 1,000 positions worldwide in response to the ongoing economic downturn. The El Segundo-based company says the positions amount to 3 percent of the company's worldwide workforce and will reduce its professional and management staff by 8 percent. Cuts will come from a combination of layoffs, attrition and retirements, the company said.

Goldman Sachs [GS 66.73 -3.26 (-4.66%) ] notified roughly 3,200 employees this week that they have been laid off, part of previously reported plans to slash 10 percent of the firm's global work force. The move comes after laying off hundreds of support staff and junior bankers in June. The company had a record 32,569 employees in August and the latest cuts reduce headcount to the lowest since 2006.

At Merrill Lynch [MER 13.20 -0.60 (-4.35%) ] , 10,000 employees could be jettisoned as a result of the merger with Bank of America [BAC 16.42 -0.68 (-3.98%) ]

Bank of America, the second-largest U.S. bank by assets said in June it expected to eliminate about 7,500 jobs over the next two years after the completion of its acquisition of Countrywide Financial Corp, the largest U.S. mortgage lender.

Barclay's [BCS 9.29 -1.14 (-10.93%) ] plans to cut about 3,000 jobs as it brings Lehman Brothers into its fold. Lehman, which filed for bankruptcy last month, had 26,000 employees. About 10,000 have been given jobs until at least the end of the year.

The lack of merger and acquisitions and initial public offerings is hitting Morgan Stanley [MS 12.03 -1.18 (-8.93%) ] hard. The U.S. investment bank said on July 31 it was finished cutting jobs, having slashed 4,800 jobs in the past year but some analysts expect Morgan could lay off 15 percent of its work force.

Even the more stable JPMorgan Chase [JPM 34.47 -2.72 (-7.31%) ] is looking at cutting at least 10 percent and maybe 15 percent of its workforce. It has over 180,000 employees globally, including 25,000 in investment banking.

Wachovia [WB 5.49 -0.15 (-2.68%) ] , said in August it would cut 6,950 jobs, 600 more than it had previously disclosed.

UBS [UBS 11.50 -2.13 (-15.63%) ] said at the beginning of October it would cut another 2,000 jobs at its troubled investment bank. The job losses come on top of 7,000 jobs already cut, about 4,100 of which were in investment banking positions cut in the past year. The bank will have reduced its headcount by more than 10 percent to under 80,000.

Credit Suisse [CSGKF 27.0 1.00 (+3.85%) ] has axed more than 1,500 jobs, the majority in investment banking in the last year since 2007, and on Tuesday it said it would cut 500 more jobs.

HSBC [HBCYF 10.3 -0.80 (-7.21%) ] said late last month it was cutting 1,100 jobs in its investment banking operation, or 4 percent of the workforce.

Commerzbank [CBK.DE 6.8725 0.1575 (+2.35%) ] announced its plan to cut 9,000 jobs in the wake of its agreement to purchase Dresdner Bank from Allianz [AZ 7.00 -0.48 (-6.42%) ] . About 2,500 jobs of the 9,000 cuts will be outside Germany.

UniCredit [UNCFF 2.75 0.35 (+14.58%) ] , Europe's fourth-largest bank said in June it would shed 9,000 posts out of 100,000 in Germany, Austria and its domestic base Italy.

First American [FAF 19.79 -0.67 (-3.27%) ] , the largest U.S. title insurer, by reported revenue said last month it cut 1,250 jobs in the third quarter, bringing the total for the year to about 2,950, or 8 percent of its workforce. It has cut roughly 6,500 jobs since the first quarter of 2007.

National City Corp [FAF 19.79 -0.67 (-3.27%) ] said last week it planned to reduce 4,000 jobs, or 14 percent of its workforce, over three years to save $500 million to $600 million annually by 2011.
Computer maker Dell [DELL 10.89 0.62 (+6.03%) ] , which is nearing the end of nearly 9,000 job cuts, has asked employees to consider taking up to five days of unpaid vacation, is offering voluntary severance packages and has instituted a global hiring freeze.

Nissan [NSANF 4.0 --- UNCH (0) ] announced layoffs affecting 2,500 salaried jobs overseas and 1,000 temporary posts in Japan amid plans to cut vehicle productions globally.
Privately held Chrysler said it was cutting about 5,000 salaried employees. Earlier in the week, it said was slashing 1,825 jobs as the result of plant closings.

Money manager Janus Capital [JNS 7.27 -0.64 (-8.09%) ] said it would cut 9 percent of its staff a day after rival AllianceBernstein said it would make unprecedented job cuts.

Xerox [XRX 6.36 -0.46 (-6.74%) ] announced job cuts of 5 percent, or 3,000 positions, due to a "tough business environment."

Hewlett-Packard [HPQ 30.46 -1.25 (-3.94%) ] is laying off more than 24,00 employees due to weak technology spending and the integration of tech-services giant Electronic Data Systems, which H-P acquired earlier this year for $13.25 billion.

Mining equipment maker Terex [TEX 12.12 -1.04 (-7.9%) ] said it would lay off hundreds of workers and suspend its share buyback program to preserve cash.

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide [HOT 14.99 -1.56 (-9.43%) ] said it plans to cut an unspecified number of jobs to offset slowing travel demand.

American Century says is plans to cut 270 jobs this week, reducing workforce by 17 percent. They insist that no portfolio managers are to be affected by the impending job cuts.

Merck [MRK 27.33 -1.20 (-4.21%) ] announced plans on Wednesday to cut 12 percent of its workforce, citing a need to change its business model in order to survive.

Fidelity National Financial [FNF 9.47 -0.82 (-7.98%) ] , which controls one of the largest U.S. title insurers, announced 1,000 job cuts, office closings, a 10 percent pay cut and a 50 percent dividend cut, which comes on top of 1,600 job eliminations in the April-to-June period.

Biotechnology company Maxygen [MAXY 4.18 -0.46 (-9.91%) ] plans to cut nearly 30 percent of its workforce and explore strategic options due to the current financial environment

Popular Inc. [BPOP 5.97 -0.39 (-6.13%) ] , parent of Banco Popular, is cutting 600 positions and more than a quarter of its branches in the United States.


DBS is laying off 900 workers, with slightly more than half coming from Singapore and the rest from its Hong Kong office.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Charity pls.. (Updated)

My company has decorated two medium sized Christmas Tree in the company, one in each MIC & MEC building.

My manager & engineer brought me to the tree this afternoon. I was thinking,"What's so special on the trees with the normal decorations.."

They were looking at some cards hanged on the Christmas Tree.. Those are the wishes from needy (kids, old folks or special family). The requester's name, age, gender & wish is written on the each card.

There are requests from kids:
1. School bags
2. School shoes

There are requests from old folks:
1. Table fans
2. Blanket cradles
3. Body Vest Restrain size L
4. Knee & ankle protectors

There are requests from special family:
1. Digital Camera
2. Adult Diapers
3. Sewing Machine

My manager & engineer took away one card - Table fan & School bag respectively. They told me this is this company's annual event for needy..

I am going to get a school bag for one of the kid~~~

I am thinking of anyone of you willing to help the needy, just tell me what u want to buy & pack for them, then I will take out the card from the Christmas Tree..

The gifts will be collected & given to them as their Christmas present (still dunno when is the collection date)




Date: 14 Nov 08
Time: 11.05pm
What I was doing when nose bleeding: Applying toner & pore refining cream onto my face.


*** DAMN ***

Understanding Engineers

Understanding Engineers - Take One
Two Engineering students were walking across campus when one said,'Where did you get such a great bike? 'The second Engineer replied, 'Well, I was walking along the road yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, 'Take what you want. ''The second Engineer nodded approvingly, 'Good choice, the clothes probably wouldn't have fit.'

Understanding Engineers - Take Two
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Understanding Engineers - Take Three
What is the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers? Mechanical Engineers build weapons and Civil Engineers build targets.

Understanding Engineers - Take Four
The graduate with a Science degree asks, 'Why does it work?' The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, 'How does it work?' The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, 'How much will it cost?' The graduate with an Arts degree asks, 'Do you want fries with that?'

Understanding Engineers - Take Five
Three Engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said, 'It was a Mechanical Engineer.' Just look at all the joints.' Another said, 'No, it was an Electrical Engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections. 'The last one said, 'Actually it must have been a Civil Engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?'

Understanding Engineers - Take Six
Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.

Understanding Engineers - Take Seven
An Architect, an Artist and an Engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The Architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship. The Artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress, because of the passion and mystery he found there. The Engineer said, 'I like both.''Both?'Engineer: 'Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go to the lab and get some work done.'

Understanding Engineers - Take Eight
An Engineer was crossing a road one-day when a frog called out to him and said, 'If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess.' He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, 'If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week.' The Engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, 'If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and do ANYTHING you want.' Again the Engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, 'What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, and that I'll stay with you for a week and do ANYTHING you want. Why won't you kiss me?' The Engineer said, 'Look, I'm an Engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now that's cool.'

Understanding Engineers - Take Nine
Why do Engineers read Playboy? For the same reason the rest of us read National Geographic. To see places they never get to visit.

Understanding Engineers - Take Ten
A Lawyer, a Theologist and an Engineer met in a Mexican bar and got drunk together. They woke up and found themselves in a jail. The Warden came and told them they were to be electrocuted for some obscene crime they have done while drunk. First up was the Lawyer, he was placed in an electric chair. The Warden threw the switch and nothing happened. Feeling that it was the will of God, the Warden let the Lawyer go. The Lawyer exclaimed that it is the Mexican justice system that has spared him. Next came the Theologist. Again the warden threw the switch and nothing happened. Again he was free to go. The Theologist thanked the Lord and exclaimed that God has imposed justice on him. When the Engineer was ready for the chair, he exclaimed to the Warden:' You can never electrocute anyone with the two live wires unconnected. 'YOU DUMB ASS!''

Phua Chu Kang with his 123456789-10

Phua Chu Kang was asked to make a sentence using 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and
10. Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1.

This is what he came up with......
"1 day I go 2 climb up a 3 outside a house to peep. But couple saw me,
so I panic and 4 down. The man rush out and wanted to 5 with me. I run
until I fall 6 and throw out. So I go into 7 eleven and grab some 8 to
throw at him.

Then I took a 9 and try to stab him. 10 God he run away. So, I put the 9
back and pay for the 8 and left 7 eleven. Next day, I call my boss and
say I am 6. He said 5, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 work. He
also ask me to climb a 3 and jump down. I don't understand, I so nice 2
him but I dont know what he 1".

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

I can't make decision right now! HELP!!!!

As I have stated that I would like to go for platletpheresis donation from Dec onwards.. However, I would like to join this Singapore's First Blogger blood drive... ARG!!! Who can give me opinions.... I would like to join this FIRST EVENT but that means after this donation, I have to wait for another 3 months to be eligilbe to donate platlet..
really cant' decide.. HELP!!!!


Singapore's First Blogger Blood Drive By Nuffnang!!‏
From: Nuffnang (
Sent: Tuesday, 11 Nov, 2008 8: 45 PM
To: [deleted]

Hi Nuffnangers!

Nuffnang is organising the first and ever blogger blood drive in Singapore.

Let us Nuffnangers be unite and bring many new leases of life!!

25,000 bloggers can do a whole lot of good for the community at large, and we want to make as much noise as possible!

The Nuffnang team has been hard at work to ensure that whilst our bloggers are doing good, all our bloggers have as fun a day out as possible!

It will be a blogger "festival" of sorts, with games (fun!), movie screenings (interesting!), food (yummy!), and great great company THROUGHOUT the day. Each blogger blood donor will also receive a certificate to commemorate this momentous event, and a very limited T Shirt, to SHOUT TO THE WORLD, "I TOOK PART IN SINGAPORE'S FIRST BLOGGER BLOOD DONATION DRIVE". You will be so proud of yourself as a blogger and to able to make a difference!

Monday, 10 November 2008

MacDonald Mega Deal!!!!!

MacDonalds, One of the few companies that having growth in revenue while most of the companies are suffering loss, is giving out a SPECIAL PROMOTION (for old time sake!!!)

Sunday, 9 November 2008



费玉清 spotted.

I believe 明天会更好. I always believe this.. and I am thinking that I am living better & better day by day!

hahahaha! because (see below!!)


Student raped by 10 youths 15-year-old Malaysian girl gang-raped after befriending one of the youths at a shopping complex. -NST -->

Sun, Nov 09, 2008NST

BUKIT MERTAJAM, Malaysia: A 15-year-old student was gang-raped by 10 youths on the day she befriended one of them at a shopping complex.
In her police report, the girl said she met a 17-year-old boy at the shopping complex on Sunday.
The boy took her for joyride on his motorcycle, treated her to dinner and then persuaded her to go back to his rented room in Jalan Aston where he raped her. He then called nine friends aged 16 to 20, who took turns to rape her.
He kept the girl in his room for three more days, raping her again several times before sending her home to Permatang Pauh on Wednesday.
A police spokesman said the girl's parents brought her in to make a report. Four suspects have so far been arrested.



SO POWERFUL!!! Can just hook on his ride the very first day u met him..
10 of them must kana CHOPPED OFF THEIR D*CK. (If I were to set the LAW!)
But, u are NAIVE ENOUGH to go with him.....





男人‘斋’看 少有行动


Time to go to Geylang craving for the famous food leh.. Nowadays not so many ppl going there, not so crowded. We can enjoy the food w/o crowding with other ppl~

Who interested in going for the 田鸡粥 and 自助火锅 let me know.. we set a date & time go there CRAVE FOR FOOD :D

Woo Hoo~

Saturday, 8 November 2008


'Love? I'm marrying for his millions'


By the time I'm 25 I expect to be married to a very rich man. He'll need to have at least £3million in the bank, plus assets like a mansion and a couple of supercars. You might be shocked, but the truth is most women dream of marrying money. I'm just honest enough to admit it.

Actors or writers need not apply. Why? Because their income fluctuates, of course. Bankers and property developers are a risky bet in these credit crunch times. Lawyers, accountants and heads of industry are just fine. It doesn't matter if he's blond or dark, but a bald guy would have to have oodles of charm to get anywhere with me. Likewise anyone with a paunch. My upper age limit is 50, just so long as he's handsome.

I've already dated millionaires. In 2006 I went out with a 25-year-old banker called Will* for a year. He bought me YSL handbags and Chanel jewellery, and flew me first class to Paris to stay at the luxurious Hotel George V. I liked him, but he was very possessive. In the end I couldn't deal with him behaving as if he owned me, so I dumped him.

You're probably thinking: ‘What can she offer a rich man in return?' Well, I'm attractive, loyal and will be a great mother and an asset to any man. Whoever wins me as his wife will be a lucky guy.

To attract a wealthy man, I have to look the part and it's an expensive and time-consuming business. I'm always impeccably groomed and spend around £2,500 a month on clothes and beauty treatments.

But it has to go deeper than mere looks. My manners are flawless and I can blend into any social situation, from a business dinner to lunch with his friends on a yacht in St Tropez. I read the money pages of the newspapers every day so I'll be able to hold a conversation with industry high-flyers.

In return, I expect to be treated like a goddess. Unfortunately some men think they can behave boorishly just because they've got money. Ricky, an oil trader, arranged a picnic for us in Hyde Park but blew it by constantly leering at me and asking: ‘Do you want to kiss?' I might want a rich husband, but I'm not prepared to sell myself short.

My background gave me a taste for the moneyed lifestyle. I was raised in Taiwan where my parents owned an engineering firm. Home was a mansion, I was privately educated and wanted for nothing. Now I live in a lovely apartment in central London and my parents pay the rent. I think it's only natural to want a husband who can afford the luxuries I'm used to.

I spend most of my spare time looking for my man. Three times a week, my friend Jennifer and I take afternoon tea in the Ritz followed by cocktails in the Dorchester or Sanderson hotels. We might move on to Cocoon in Piccadilly for dinner then to the Roof Gardens nightclub in Kensington – all places where wealthy men go to meet women.

Unless a handsome man offers to buy champagne, I usually stick to a non-alcoholic Virgin Bloody Mary. I like to stay on the ball, and rich men like their women sophisticated. They're not going to waste time on a giggling girl who's overdone the Chablis.

We choose a table with a good view and discreetly case the joint. If I like the look of someone I'll smile at him. If he doesn't make a move he probably has a wife or a girlfriend. Single guys usually come over within 15 minutes and offer to buy me a drink.

Being so upfront with men can have its drawbacks though. I've lost count of the number of times I've been offered money for sex. I just walk away, although I am curious as to how much a man would pay to spend the night with me.

If I decide I like a guy I'll give him my mobile number. I wouldn't contemplate sleeping with him on the first night. My rule is three months – if he wants me enough, he'll wait.

I intend to be married before I'm 25 because I don't want to be an older mother. When I meet Mr Right, I'd like to have a beautiful house in London or Brighton. Our children will go to private schools and I'd want a maid. I'm happy to do most of the childcare, but I do have a Masters in music and plan to do a PhD next year.

My parents know about my mission to marry a millionaire and are totally supportive. Mum taught me to aim high. Most of my friends think the same way. We're all holding out for Mr Wedge.

Would I marry someone I didn't love just for money? It depends how much he's got! I've only been in love once. Charlie and I met when we were 17 and were together for two years. Sadly, he was a penniless student with no ambition so we split up.

It's true that money doesn't guarantee happiness, but it can solve most of life's problems. Why should I feel guilty about being kept by a man? Love is great – but it won't buy you a designer wardrobe."



Yeah, as long as u have the assets, GO FOR IT!
Since men like to spent money for girls, u can be one of the girls they want!
Her words are true: "It's true that money doesn't guarantee happiness, but it can solve most of life's problems."
As long as u have money, u can pamper urself!
How many guys going for sex with other girls while they have gf/ wife.
How many girls going for sex with other guys while they have bf/ husband.
The rules all set by ur own paradigm.
Think out of the box. Just let them do whatever they want.
Don't feel upset when ur other partner betraying u (physically or mentally), they have their own paradigm! :D

Friday, 7 November 2008

Why we shouldn't use our work telephones for private usage?

The phone bill was exceptionally high and the man of the house called a family meeting... On a Saturday morning... after breakfast...

Dad: People this is unacceptable! You have to limit the use of the phone. I do not use this phone, I use the one at the office.

Mum: Same here, I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work telephone.

Son: Me too, I never use the home phone. I always use my Company mobile.

Maid: So - what is the problem? We all use our work telephones!!!!!


Yes, funny but true.. He can't blame on his maid coz they are doing the same to their employer!!!

Thursday, 6 November 2008


Better Man

Send someone to love me 送一个人来爱我
I need to rest in arms 我需要他的臂弯憩息
Keep me safe from harm 让我远离伤害
In pouring rain 和倾盆大雨

Give me endless summer 给我无尽的夏日
Lord I fear the cold 上帝 我害怕严寒
Feel I'm getting old 害怕变老
Before my time 未盛放已枯萎

As my soul heals the shame 当灵魂洗脱羞愧
I will grow through this pain 我会从伤痛中成长
Lord I'm doing all I can 上帝 我正竭尽所能
To be a better man 去成为更好的人

Go easy on my conscience 我的心风平浪静
'Cause it's not my fault 这并非我的过失
I know I've been taught 我知道我必须学会
To take the blame 去承担责难

Rest assured my angels 而我的守护天使
Will catch my tears 会替我拂去眼泪
Walk me out of here 带我离开
I'm in pain 所有伤痛

As my soul heals the shame 当灵魂洗脱羞愧
I will grow through this pain 我会从伤痛中成长
Lord I'm doing all I can 上帝 我正竭尽所能
To be a better man 做一个更好的人

Once U've found that lover 当你找到了你的爱人
U're homeward bound 有了归属
Love is all around 爱无所不在
Love is all around 爱无所不在
I know some have fallen on stony ground 也许有人曾狠狠摔倒
But Love is all around 但爱无所不在

Send someone to love me 送一个人来爱我
I need to rest in arms 我需要他的臂弯憩息
Keep me safe from harm 让我远离伤害
in pouring rain 和倾盆大雨

Give me endless summer 给我无尽的夏日
Lord I fear the cold 上帝 我害怕严寒
Feel I'm getting old 害怕变老
before my time 未盛放已枯萎

As my soul heals the shame 当灵魂洗脱羞愧
I will grow through this pain 我会从伤痛中成长
Lord I'm doing all I can 上帝 我正竭尽所能
to be a better man 做一个更好的人


I was immature, I wasnt a good guy.
I was thrifty - my reason (maybe excuses for u) to have sufficient money earlier for those unexpected incidents (illness, accident, retrenchment, wedding & so on)
After I started my career path, I had been told off by my colleagues, who explained to me why I shdnt be so thrifty...
Then, I started to spend a bit more, to treat better to her, to learn to be a good bf, to start giving her surprise, pamper her...
But it was too late :) She isnt much realised of my changes..
Whatsoever! I just want to be a better man now :P
and yes! I am happy that my situation now doesnt implicate my loved one.. so what? GO AHEAD JOBLESS! Just show me the door, I am willing to accept the reality! My life is FULL OF WONDERS! :P

Handphone lost

Yes.. What would you do if you find that your hp is lost, u tried to call and the phone is off?

1st. Ur hp is 99.99% not coming back to u... (leave 0.01% for stupid miracle)
2nd. Call ur mobile service provider, ask them to deactivate ur sim
3rd. try to provide them ur hp IMEI number, so that they can locked the phone and the ppl out there would not able to sell ur hp as it will be locked.
4th. collect ur new sim card (charges applies) at ur mobile service provider few days later.

So. How to check your 15 digit- IMEI?

1. At your handphone box (when u purchase)
2. take out ur hp battery cover & battery (look for 15 digit number)
3. After power on your hp, press *#06#



Pls go down to these websites to register your mobile phones or to report or to inquire whether the phone is a lost one.

To Enquire. (

To register click here. (

To report ( Lost items. (Handphone/Pda/laptop or any other item.)

People who lost their phones are to go and report to the Police and the website i provided you... and post their phone model, IMEI no and the place and time lost/stolen.

Protect your Handphone


Imagine losing your hand phone and all the personal data & contact numbers that you have stored in it. It will take up much precious time and effort to recover this information if you lose it.

There are two in-built security features, namely the phone lock and SIM lock. Use them to make your hand phone less attractive to criminals. Refer to your manufacturer's guide on how to activate them.

IMEI number

Obtain your hand phone's IMEI number by keying in (*#06#). A 15 digit IMEI number will appear on the screen of your hand phone. Write down somewhere as it will come in handy if you lose your hand phone.

PREVENT HAND PHONE LOST - Some simple steps to take included:

Do not lend strangers your hand phone. There have been cases where strangers have run away with the hand phone after "borrowing" it.

Do not leave your hand phone in your vehicle unattended. A thief may smash the window or windscreen to get it.

Do not leave your hand phone unattended.

Always keep your hand phone secured with you, such as in your front pocket.

When visiting sporting facilities, make sure you leave your belongings and handphone in a locker.

If your hand phone is stolen

Inform your service provider to cancel the SIM card as soon as possible.

Lodge a Police report immediately.

In particular, provide the IMEI number.



I was inspired to post this as someone just lost his hp.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
