Tuesday, 31 March 2009
My Birthday
******** Okay, updated *********
Please listen to my song dedication (Scroll down and please click Play at the left hand side in my blog now)
Me just reminded me that she looked for Sky Wu - Happy Birthday and let me heard by calling me and tuned her laptop to max volume.. This happened early in the morning..
Ya.. TQ Me...
Okay okay.. on my birthday, I went to NTU early, reaching there at about 12.00pm. Stayed in the library for about 5 hours ++.
My Shifu - Cindy - online in school library as well.. After chatting for less than 20 minutes, she decided to treat me to have an ice cream to celebrate my birthday..
So we went to McDonald's to have McFlurry.. (Thank you very much, Shifu)
At about 6.20pm the bellyman - Kah Wei - and my poly friend - Qing Rui - met us at the McDonald's.. After chatting a while, Qing Rui agreed to give me a treat on dinner.. Haha... So he bought McSpicy Set Meal (with upsize) for me..
Hehe.. Thank you Qing Rui..
As the bellyman.. aiya u know I know la...... LoL
In the class, I borrowed bellyman's mp3 player - Creative Muvo^2 - to record for my song dedication.. LoL... from 9pm to 11pm... ah... need to record and come back home to cut away the unnecessary part.
After the class, I went to Serangoon to meet Kok Soon & his gf - Suh Ming -. We went to McDonald's again.. haha... as Birthday boy.. I can get a free drink (any choices) at McCafe. They bought Cappucino and I ordered a free double chocolate :D. The McCafe staff even made "Happy Birthday" wordings on the Cappucino.. The pictures are in Kok's hp.. this guy so lazy to take them out and send to me..
After that I went back, by the time I reached home was about 12.30am (27th Mar).. LoL.. my sister & my bro-in-law was waiting for me.. The birthday cake is shown as below :D
有一个小女孩的名字叫露西,她的家里很穷,所以露西的玩具只有一个,就是一个小熊玩 偶。
从垃圾场捡来的 to 1
妈妈帮她做的 to 2
1 有一天,露西的爸爸回家来,高兴地对家人说:*我赚到一笔大钱了!* 你认
买公益奖券中了大奖 to 3
他所发明的东西大卖 to 4
2 有一天,露西的爸爸回家来,高兴地对家人说:*我赚到一笔大钱了!* 你认为
可以一辈子不工作,到处游山玩水 to 4
可以5年不工作 to 5
3 结果露西变成了有钱人家的小姐,她的爸爸妈妈买了许多玩具给她。你想他
法国洋娃娃 to 6
家家酒蜗纷?to 7
4 露西变成了有钱人家的小姐,爸爸妈妈买了许多玩具给她。站在一堆新玩具
前, 露西喃喃自语说了哪句话?
应该先玩那个呢? to 6
真不敢相信,好象在做梦 to 8
5 露西变成了有钱人家的小姐,爸爸妈妈买了很多玩具给她,不过其实她还有
想买新衣服 to 7
全家一起到高级餐厅用餐 to 8
6 有一天晚上,当露西正在漂亮的新家睡得香甜的时候,被放在房里角落的熊
笑的很悲伤 to 9
哭泣着 to 10
脸颊 to 9
肩膀 to 11
8 有一天晚上,当露西正在漂亮的新家睡得香甜的时候,被放在房里角落的熊宝
太好了,露西 to 10
太过分了,露西 to 11
9 当露西醒来时,熊宝宝已经不在了。之后你想露西会怎么做?
她并没发现,所以什么也没做 A
赶紧跑出去找熊宝宝 B
10 当露西醒来时,熊宝宝已经不在了。你认为熊宝宝的真正身份是什么?
能为主人带来好运的魔法熊宝宝 C
天使化身的熊宝宝 D
11 当露西醒来时,熊宝宝已经不在了。露西的家会变成什么样子呢?
依旧很有钱,但家人关系变的很坏,经常吵架 E
又恢复到原来的破小屋 F
A 出轨是家常便饭
B 你很容易被诱惑
C 你没勇气这么做
D 错将友情当爱情
情人 的罪名,所以不会这么做。但是你很容易错将友情当爱情,容易因关心而发展
E 怕麻烦所以不会花心
F 只对自己的情人感兴趣
Haiz... why it is really F.....
-.-" I want to be A... haha...
Sunday, 29 March 2009
My weekend..
Saturday.. woke up at 7am.. prepared and headed to Outram Park - HSA Blood Bank. YEAH~ I offered my help to the Red Cross Executive, Idy, to help out on the event - Are You My Type?
I talked to her during the bloodbank tour on Feb 09 and I found that she was the creator for this even in facebook. So I adder her into my friends list and offered my help if needed.
Arrived there, was a bit awkward. Well, I am just not so extrovert person.. u can't blame me... After that changed to the YDC (Youth Donor Club) shirt given by her. Gosh.. YDC is until 25 yrs old, i am 2 yrs "too mature" already, Idy... (haha. she wont know my blog de. .dont worry)..
I was given the task to give out the souvenier - iron-on sticker (according to blood type A, B, AB and O) to the donors, informing them about the refreshment in the recreation room as well as recommending them to join the the bloodbank & laboratory tour on 11.00am and 2.30pm respectively).
In the first 30 minutes, I was a bit shy and slow on doing this... Idy realised this and went there to help me out and asked me not to feel so shy.. LoL.. lagi paiseh~ Gosh.. Then I saw how she talked to them and started to follow as well..
After that, I could explain quite well to them. LoL.. but I realised a problem... The table and chairs were located too far away from the entrance to the blood donation room.. So, I "shan zuo zhu zhang" to moved the table & chair.. actually, more than 30 cm from the original location.. haha.. In this case, it will hinder the ppl who were going to Apheresis Suite (for platelet and plasma donation).. But it could make me to get the task done! It is because a lot of ppl would not want to go near to the table as they may feel shy / they thought need to PAY... even though I walked to them but they also didnt want to follow me.. so to bring the table closer is effective -- and I proved that...
Today there wasn't as much ppl as I thought.. It was quite sad.. I thought I could have served a lot ppl.. :(
But Idy, keep it up!!! I believe more & more ppl will donate blood de~~~
Let's take a look what are the iron-on sticker look like :D
Hehe.. took another picture with blood buddy..
Feb 09 was Blood donor.. March 09 became volunteer to help out.. Funny
Now is the Sunday activity....
Again, I went to help out on blood donation drive... This time was at Alvyn's church, which is located at Bugis.. (sorry, I dunno his church's name) BLEK~~~ I ain't Christian / Catholic, so I dun care :D wakakaka... [*added* okay okay.. it is called Singapore Life Church]
Today our task was to usher the donors to have some quick check-up by the doctor and to the next station to check their haemoglobin level.. Again, I was quite disappointed with the number of donors... However, it is understandable as his church members are organising this blood donation internally. They did not make any publicity, such as any advertisement. They were just bringing their friends & family..
We started our service on 12.30pm but there were only a few ppl.. Spent most of the time explaining to him about the blood donation information, such as the differences between the platelet, plasma, whole blood, red blood cell & white blood cell, the process of blood donation, including whole blood & platelet donation process, the ways to prevent dizzy after blood donation & so on.. Chat with Alvyn, ZiYu & their church friends on all other topics, such as the security in JB, the incidents happened on them & their family in Thailand, Malaysia and so on..
LoL.. That's all.....
Gosh.. I still havent uploaded my birthday cake pictures... Ah.. I still have things to do now.. 2molo must give ppl... arg~!~!~!
and it is time to sleeeeep~ LoL...
GG-ed (good gamed) gosh~ -.-"
Earth hour 2009
Ah.... How do I support this program??
Switch off everything, slept until 7.xxam the next morning.. LoL..
Then went to IKEA to have the delicious breakfast again.. LoL.. after that went to Toa payoh to take train to Bugis and met up Alvyn & ZiYu.....
Friday, 27 March 2009
Creative Cups
*Click on the picture for bigger size view*
Thanks to IDY for her forwarded email.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
2009新概念 - 看到了就轉發給每一個你珍惜的人!
身高 一百八十公分 ,體重九十幾公斤的他,就像史瑞克一樣壯,健保卡只用過兩次,
沒想到,到台大醫院檢查,醫師宣判,他已肝癌末期,最多只剩六個月生命,原來他是因為癌細胞太大, 壓迫到胃才腹瀉不止。
這個青天霹靂,讓他一夜瘦了 三公斤 ,此後三天不吃、不說,神情呆滯,無法接受上帝開他這個玩笑。
就像童話故事, 一家四口從此過著幸福快樂的生活。
距離他們位半山腰的家還要走一段山路, 平時都由他跟太太輪流開車接送兒女;
他捨不得拋下嬌妻幼子,不肯向死神束手投降,夫妻到對岸展開換肝之旅,從上海、天津到廣州,終於如願換肝。無奈癌細胞不放過他,兩個月後又轉移到骨頭、脊髓,再從肺臟一路蔓延到大腦,到最後已無法行動、言語, 一天平均要劇烈嘔吐廿多次,只能打嗎啡止痛,靠打點滴維生。
醫生告訴他,依其身體狀況,頂多只能離開醫院四、五十分鐘,但為了完成他的心願,醫生每天為他安排特訓,讓他試著將瘦到 四十公斤不到的孱弱身軀,從平躺的病床移至輪椅,第一天五分鐘、第二天十分鐘、第三天廿分鐘...眾人努力讓他能陪兒女看完一個半小時的史瑞克三。堅韌的愛,讓他辦到了。
「剛開始,女兒經常躲在棉被哭,問我怎麼辦,以後就要沒爸爸了。我告訴她,我也同樣快失去老公了, 沒關係,還有媽媽在,以後我會陪妳躲在棉被裡哭。女兒於是漸漸釋懷,找到堅強活下去的力量。」聽到這段話,我終於忍不住陪著她掉淚。
20為情彷徨;30基本定向; 40拼命打闖;
50回頭望望;60告老還鄉; 70搓搓麻將;
一個中心: 一切以健康為中心。
三個忘記: 忘記年齡,忘記過去,忘記恩怨。
四個擁有: 無論你有多弱或多強,一定要擁有真正愛你的人,
擁有知心朋友,擁有向 上的事業,擁有溫暖的住所。
五個要: 要唱,要跳,要俏,要笑,要苗條。
六個不能: 不能餓了纔吃,不能渴了纔喝,不能困了纔睡,
不能累了纔歇,不能病了 纔檢查,不能老了再後悔!
So sad for him.. wish him rest in peace....
Please cherish your lives and ur loved ones...
*The content from this post is taken from forwarded email.*
One: Emergency
The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number
112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.
***My comments***
I knew about this 5 years back... it is true..
Two: Have you locked your keys in the car?
Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to
own a cell phone:
If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their mobile phone from your cell phone.
Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves
someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object.
You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote'
for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).
Editor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it
unlocked our car over a mobile phone!'
***My Comments***
Never try this, but I belive that this can be done.
Three: Hidden Battery Power
Imagine your mobile battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your mobile will
restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile next time.
***My Comments***
Just tried this on my Nokia 5310. It doesnt works. *results unknown*
Condition: 1 bar left.
When I press *3370# SEND , it shows requesting.... then *results unknown* I tried to reset the hp myself, but there isnt any power increment. >.<" Pls let me know if ur hp can do it.
Four: How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?
To check your mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone!: * # 0 6 #, a 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless.
***My Comments***
Knew about this 2 years ago, but after some discussions & arguement with fl, I think she is right, the Mobile Service Provider may not able to block the handset.. *but I still strongly believe they can do it :D *
Are You My Type - Blood Donation March 2009 . Experience a live saving act with your buddies- Donate Blood!
Encourage your friends to come for blood donation with you and be delighted by us!
1. Buddy up! Give Blood save life!
2. Tour of the Bloodbank
3. Photo time with Blood buddies
4. Tea & Snacks
Time : 9am-4pm
Venue: Bloodbank@ HSA, 11 Outram Road (opposite Outram Park MRT station)
For registration and more information, please call Red Cross @6220-0183.
Type A:
While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A's are the most artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.
Type AB:
Type AB's are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Type B:
Goal oriented and strong minded, type B's will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B's are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.
Type O:
Type O's are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.
To all my friends, Who wants to go for blood donation and need accompanies juz let me know, I can go with u but I not donating as I donated 2 weeks ago..
Too bad I juz donated platelet on 14th March, my next eligibility date is 11th Apr.. I had to miss out this event... ah~~~~~~~~~
Wish this event to be another successful event after the event organised on 14th Fe 09.
劉若英 生日快樂
溫嵐 - 祝我生日快樂 [2007 I dedicated this to myself...]
曹格 - 祝我生日快樂 @娛樂百分百
曹格 - 世界唯一的你
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Woman killed after being hit by train at Clementi 金文泰地铁站意外 华族女子被列车撞死
SMRT said the incident at 6.15am caused westbound service between Queenstown and Jurong East MRT stations to be affected.
To maintain service on the unaffected stretch of the East—West line, westbound trains were turned around at Queenstown MRT Station.
Train service between Jurong East and Joo Koon stations were not affected by the incident.
SMRT also activated a bus bridging service from Queenstown to Jurong East stations to ferry affected passengers.
The first bus arrived at Queenstown MRT Station at about 6.50am.
Train services resumed at 7.03am.
SMRT said about 6,250 passengers were affected during the incident.
Passengers who were unable to complete their journeys due to the disruption can claim a full fare refund from the Passenger Service Centre in any of the 53 SMRT stations within the next three working days.
SMRT is assisting the police in investigations.
— 938 Live
金文泰地铁站意外 华族女子被列车撞死
Monday, 23 March 2009
郭美美 放了爱 歌词 新加坡 优频道 电视剧 一切完美2 的主题曲
[新加坡 优频道 电视剧 一切完美2 的主题曲 ]
Singapore Channel U Series Perfect Cut 2 MTV & Lyrics
你指向远方 爱情很晴朗
怕泪会反光 钻进你的胸膛
但那不是感动 是 泪无法储藏
把美梦锁上 以为是天堂
还得乔装安份 靠在你的肩膀
放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活
你说你喜欢 我笑得开朗
你越温柔 我越不想撒谎
客气地配合你 我感觉更勉强
别人的幸福 何必要模仿
心不在何苦 留躯壳在身旁
加满自由 我要无重量飞翔
放了爱 为了爱
这不是我 该怎么生活
放了爱 会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手
我的心 为爱流离失所
放了爱 为了我
这不是我 想要的生活
放了爱 你会明白
有种拥有 叫做放手
Sunday, 22 March 2009
IKEA Singapore breakfast promotion, Robinson sales, Popular Sales, Food Fest in Expo
First, we went to IKEA to have our breakfast..
3 Adults, 2 kids, we ordered 3 French Toast Set and 2 Mee+Bee Hoon + Fish cake (鱼饼) + Luncheon Meat (午餐肉), and 2 cups of coffee.
French Toast Set: SGD1.50 (Promotion: SGD1.50 per set (Usual Price: SGD3.00)
Mee + Bee Hoon Set: SGD1.80
Coffee : *Unknown*
LoL... What a big portion !!! :D
For more information, please click the link below:
>>> IKEA Restaurant (Traditional Swedish Dishes, Kids menu)
>>>>>> Breakfast Dishes (Breakfast time: 9.30am to 10.30am)
>>>>>>>>>Daily Specials
>>>>>>>>>>>>Vegetarian Dishes
[*PS: Swedish meatballs is a must try - but I think that is beef, so I didnt eat also). The hotdog is also a must try - only SGD1.00).]
After the IKEA breakfast, we walked around and moved towards our next destination - Singapore Expo... (Robinson Sales, Popular Book Fest, Adidas Sales, Food & Beverage Fest)
Went to Robinson sales, bought a Shirt - ESPIRIT long sleeve shirt, erm... but this one not really for me to go for interview de.. I still need to find a more suitable one...
Walked the whole Hall but couldnt find any other suitable long sleeve shirt for myself.. all the cuttings are not suitable for me.. haiz... (and a lot of them looks awful.. but I dunno why still have so many ppl were choosing & buying those shirts... Haiz)
After that, went to Popular Book Fest. Gosh, couldnt find anything for myself.. Well, I think my bro in law bought something..
Then we went into the hall that oraganises the Adidas Sales.. Wah u cant imagine.. Almost everything sold out, left some Double X L (XXL) shirts and some shoes... I thought the sales started on 20th March... (I dont even feel any economy downturn, recession or bla bla bla..) You see all of them, buying SOOOO MANY THINGS!!!! and they pick the items w/o thinking for more than 10 seconds..
Went to Food Fest liao.... haha.. try this try that. eat this eat that.. LoL.. really *peng*
Btw, Crocs are having their booth in the same hall with food fest.. 30% to 60% off.... ranging from SGD 35 to SGD 48 (after discount).
woo Hooo.... that's my sunday until 2.30pm...
Then 4pm onwards i become "NANNY KOH".. dun want to talk much about it anymore... I have to take care of two kids.. LoL...
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Earth Hour 2009 Singapore
Earth Hour is a capmpaign, encourage us - the human beings to switch off all the lights for an hour.
This campaign is to IMPART a very strong awareness to EVERYONE in the world that we should do something, and WE CAN EASILY ACHIEVE THAT on climate change issues.
Besides registering & take action on that Earth Hour. Let's switch off all the power whenever the electronic / electrical items are not needed for use.
Please register on the website below:
WWF Singapore office
Earth Hour 2009
Earth Hour - 28 March 2009
Earth Hour 2009 aims to reach more than 1 billion people in 1000 cities around the world, inviting communities, business and governments to switch off lights for 1 hour and send a powerful global message that we need to take action on climate change.
Saturday 28th March 2009 in Singapore, join us for these Earth Hour events:
* 2:30 pm - Multimedia Presentation of 'An Inconvenient Truth', presented by Tony Boatman from The Climate Project (Botanic Gardens)
* 5:00pm to 9:30pm - Green Carnival & 'Blackout' at the Esplanade Park
* 8:30 pm - Turn off your lights for Earth Hour
Earth Hour organisers confident of success for inaugural event in Singapore
Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, March 12
SINGAPORE: It is just a few weeks before Earth Hour on March 28, when households and businesses are encouraged to switch off their electricity usage for one hour.
It is the first time Singapore is taking part in the initiative to raise awareness on climate issues. While the number of people registered for the event seems dismal in Singapore, the organisers are not worried.
They have a target of one million participants, but so far, only about 2,000 people and 250 companies have registered on the event’s website to do their part for the environment.
Organisers believe there will be thousands out there taking part in Earth Hour in their own way, and tracking numbers can only be done after the event is over.
Take the first Earth Hour in Sydney in 2007 for example. Director of WWF Singapore, Carine Seror, said: "There were just a few hundred companies, just a few thousand participants registered on the website, but actually the real figure of participation was 2.2 million."
And to encourage more people to get involved, there will be a candlelight picnic at the Esplanade Park on the big day.
Ms Seror said: "You bring down your picnic mat and your candles and just join us for a big party. We start at 5pm with the green carnival and by 7pm, we will have some entertainment before the blackout at 8.30pm."
And giving their support to Earth Hour is MediaCorp’s radio station Class 95FM. The station has been promoting the event on—air and it has other plans lined up on the day itself.
Senior programme director of Class 95FM, MediaCorp, Erina Cook, said: "We’re going to run reminders to our listeners so that they can be reminded that it’s not too late to take part in Earth Hour, and to switch off all their lights to support Earth Hour."
So if you are at home or out and about on March 28, don’t be in the dark when the lights go out for Earth Hour at 8.30pm.
— CNA/yt
Friday, 20 March 2009
my dinner? my supper? or my breakfast?
this time better, coz I added an egg and 3 pcs of "niang tou fu" (tou fu pi outside, fish meat inside)..
11.59pm I was having my Dinner/ Supper..
but 12.01am I realised that I was having breakfast of the day...
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
NEA concerned about rise in rare Type 3 Dengue cases
Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, March 19
SINGAPORE: The National Environment Agency (NEA) is concerned that a randomly—occurring type of the dengue virus has recently shown up in greater numbers in one area.
Seven cases of Type 3 Dengue infection were detected in Little India in January, up from zero cases in November last year.
NEA says the virus type has "high epidemic potential" because Singaporeans are known to have low immunity.
NEA’s Head of Environmental Health Institute, Dr Ng Lee Ching, explains: "Dengue 3 is not very common in Singapore for the past decade. So our immunity level in the population is very low towards Dengue 3. Which means if Dengue 3 spreads, the population will be very susceptible to getting dengue. We also know that overseas, in America and in Southeast Asia, Dengue 3 has caused huge outbreaks."
NEA says it immediately deployed officers to Little India to locate and destroy mosquito breeding grounds. And the number of Type 3 infections there dropped back to zero in February.
As a precaution, Head of Operations for the Environmental Health Department at NEA, Tai Ji Choong, said that officers are permanently stationed in the two areas.
He said: "Actually we put in a permanent team of officers and also the pest control operators. Actually they’re roving around the area to actually do source reduction, to remove and destroy breeding habitats and at the same time check difficult areas such as roof gutters for breeding."
NEA says it has also been able to contain the rise in Type 1 Dengue infections reported in Woodlands, Joo Chiat and the Southwest District.
The number of cases in these areas rose over the new year but fell last month.
Type 1 and 2 Dengue are the more common strains occurring in Singapore, while Type 4 is rare.
NEA currently has 750 pest control officers fanned out across Singapore to check and destroy mosquito breeding areas.
The agency says it plans to hire another 250 officers this year to increase its surveillance.
— 938LIVE.
Tales from the crypt in Singapore
AFP - Tuesday, March 17
SINGAPORE (AFP) - - Wong Shun Feng says he has seen spirits, been afflicted by supernatural phenomena and taken advice from gods -- and that it's all just part of the job.
Affectionately known to his friends as "Tua Ya Pek" after a Taoist god of the spiritual underworld, Wong is a gravedigger who exhumes the bones of the dead to make way for development in Singapore.
According to Taoist belief, Wong is among the first to greet the dead when they embark on their journey beyond the grave.
But instead of guiding the spirits towards reincarnation, nirvana (transcendence) or the "nine hells," he sends them to a new earthly resting place as cemeteries make way for roads, housing and public services.
The dead are not always willing to move, he says.
"I've seen spirits hovering beside me as I dig their grave, heard them whisper to me 'Ah Tee (young man), please don't move me'," Wong recalls matter-of-factly.
But not all spirits are so benign, he said.
The 53-year-old, who has been a gravedigger for almost 30 years, says he once saw a tree standing over a grave he was exhuming "shaking violently when trees next to it were still -- and there was no breeze".
He said once he was even "punished" for disrespecting the dead when he swore at a grave.
"In the evening after the dig, my left forearm was completely stiff even though I did not injure it, like the forearm of a corpse, and it was only after midnight that I regained use of it," said Wong, gesturing to the affected area.
Nevertheless, he says he is not afraid of the supernatural.
"As long as you have a good heart, they won't harm you," he said.
Neither does he care that people here might look down on him as an anachronism in a Westernised society, despite the fact that superstition has deep roots among ethnic Chinese, who account for 75 percent of the 3.6 million population.
"People might think that this type of work is taboo but I'm fine with it. I like the rugged life," he said.
A stocky man, Wong cuts an imposing figure with a variety of tattoos, the most prominent of which are the images of Tua Ya Pek and Li Ya Pek emblazoned across his chest and back.
The images of the two Taoist deities, who are said to be in charge of keeping spirits in line, are not there for decoration.
"I respect the gods, that's why I tattoo them on my body," said Wong, who claims to have seen apparitions of the gods and received lessons on life and work from them.
On a recent exhumation conducted by the Singapore Land Authority to clear a Chinese cemetery in northern Singapore for redevelopment, it took Wong and three colleagues nearly three hours to dig a narrow hole about four metres (12 feet) deep.
Using simple tools such as plowshares, crowbars and wicker baskets, they burrowed through soil, sand and cement, which the rich used in the past to seal their graves, before finally reaching the coffin.
Prying open the lid, Wong and another gravedigger picked out the bones and washed them with rice wine before handing them to the family, who gave them red packets containing token sums of money in appreciation.
These envelopes are the main source of income for gravediggers because the 100 dollar (65 US) payment for each exhumation only goes to one individual and the gravediggers take turns receiving it.
"The income is not fixed. It depends on how generous the families are with their red packets," said Wong.
As the work is not stable he supplements his earnings with odd jobs such as house painting and repairs.
But he has his hands full for the moment as the 70,000-square-metre (753,000-square-feet) Guang Xiao Shan Cemetery, near the border with Malaysia, has been earmarked for conversion into a train depot.
The pace of Singapore's development has meant that between 1970 and 1998, more than 240,000 graves in 100 cemeteries were exhumed, the latest available estimate shows.
And according to Wong, all the deceased, including the current "residents," must be placated.
"Ghosts are the same as human beings," he said. "They have feelings and emotions as well. How would you feel if you had to shift after living in the same place for 50 years?"
When asked about his own mortality, Wong shrugged as he pointed to the tattoo of the deity Li Ya Pek smiling serenely on his chest.
"I haven't really thought about it. Let's see what my big brother says," he said with a laugh.***SOURCE***
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
你會希望陪在你愛的人身邊,看他在你面前睡得如此安逸甜美毫不設防的樣子,你會 微笑,會覺得好幸福。
Saturday, 14 March 2009
My 11th Blood donation
Time: 9 am to 11.30am. (gosh, this time is TOO LONG!!!)
Venue: Apeheris Centre @ HSA Blood bank, Outram Park
Today, my 4th Platelet donation, which falls on my birthday month..
Well, today the nurses were not attending to me as I wasnt their "shu ke". Hey, I made appointment at 9am de!!! I had to wait until 10am then they made all the preparation for me... But nvm la.. dont be so "YIM CHIM". I just sit there wait wait wait (with my smiley face) LoL..
So today I donated using an alien machine.. (VERY VEY BIG, and seems like very louya de). Well, total time is about the same lor.. Not much surprise.. But today I can feel the pain of the needle poked on my arm.. Even during my blood donation (my blood transfusion out & back to my veins, I still can feel some pain on it.. Erm.. maybe I was too tired recently?? well? wild guess only~
This time the nurse bandaged my "wounds" (can it considered as wound? or not??) using purple colour bandage.. LoL.. I went to Bugis with that and there was some ppl kept staring my me and my arm (HALF SCARED).. I really wished that I had the courage to walked to them and explained to them, "This was bandaged after blood donation, not AH BENG or AH SENG trial gang's bandage..."
*haiz* too bad, I was afraid that they would scream when I approached them... They had their effort in Mobile Blood Drive, Newspaper, Online (Facebook, Red Cross Website, Donor Website, HSA website, Nuffnang Website, Newspaper, Blood Donation campain, celebrations and so on..
Even though HSA & Red Cross have put in significant effort in promoting blood donation campaign, I still see some ignorance out there... I really dont see what are the other channel that they can tackle to promote blood donation awareness..
Surprise to me!! There is a small gift for donor who donate blood on his/her birthday month!!!
Woo Hoo~~ I thought it was RED PACKET!!! hahahah (money-minded) -.-"
Friday, 13 March 2009
My early birthday present!!!
Thank you LBN!!!!!!
Thanks to LBN, who knows that I always eat ding ding & Penang Har Mee.. so she gave me a special birthday present.. LoL..
(PS: High Quality photo, you can click on the photo and view in bigger size.. Blek to FL :P )
Quote:" Take a rest.. Widom and power..."
Erm.. is that coincidence or putting some effort to encourage me to face my sux life??
Bear Bear box with ribbon.
2nd View
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Precautions while sleeping
人的睡眠是最完整、最系統、最有效的休息方法,也是科學養 生的重要內容。
但 如果忽略了睡眠中的一些細小事情,會對健康不利。
1.戴 「錶」睡覺。
有的人喜歡戴著手錶睡覺,這不僅會縮短手錶的使用壽命,更 不利於健康。
2. 戴 「牙」睡覺。
假牙的鐵鉤可能會刺破食道旁的主動脈弓,引起大出血甚至危 及生命。
因此,戴假牙的人臨睡前最好取下假牙清洗乾淨,既有利於口 腔衛生,又可安全入眠。
3. 戴 「罩」睡覺。
罹患乳腺癌的可能性比短時間戴或根本不戴乳罩的人高出20 倍以上。
女人戴乳罩是為了展示美或保護乳房,而晚上睡覺就沒有這個 必要了。 <>
4. 帶 「機」睡覺。
5. 帶 「妝」睡覺。
所以,睡前卸妝洗臉很有必要,可以及時清除殘妝對顏面的刺 激,
讓肌膚得到充分呼吸,不僅可保持皮膚的潤澤,還有助於早入 夢鄉。
6. 帶「別人的老婆」睡覺。
Forwarded Email : Courtesy from Janet Chua. (Thx to her)
The last one.. dun need other ppl's wife, if u fool around u may also be dead :D