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Sunday, 1 February 2009

Chu 4 night, Chu 5, Chu 6 and Chu 7 !!! 家有喜事2009 All's well end's well 2009

After watching The Wedding Game (from 12am until 1.45am), Ming Hian, Chow Lin and I went to Alan's shop 红叶(Red Leaf).

Talked with Jiunn Juei, A Ngao, Hui Chiat, Zi Yang until 4.30am then went back home. Slpt at 5am & woke up at 9.45am..

Looked for Alan thru MSN & he jio me to go out with him to Malacca for emergency.. I followed him coz he hadnt taken any rest.

Cut it short, one of his car broke down at Malacca, he needed to exchange car for his wife & drove back bp. After long hours of root cause analysis & looking for foreman to fix it.

He decided to get the car towed back as the foreman looked like going to 砍菜头.

Squeeze a the tow truck with the driver & Alan, my butt was seriously pain....

Let's take a look on the car :D

After returning to BP, went to his shop, c he was so bz with lots of customers. Then helped to clear the tables & clean it. LoL...

At night went to watch 家有喜事2009 with A Liang and Jessie, then went to Alan shop again to have supper with all the friends mentioned on Chu 4 night.
Went back & slp at 3am, woke up at 10am.. LoL

Kei's (Ronald Cheng) eldest sister Sandra (Sandra Ng) is a hot-tempered magazine editor and her temperament has left her single. One of the family rules is that none of the siblings can get married before their eldest sister. Kei seeks help from the famous Casanova, Koo Chai (Louis Koo), to pretend to court his eldest sister and lure her into the mood of love. With Sandra falling in love with Koo Chai, he in turn falls for another girl, Mun.



阿基(郑中基)与女友拍拖八年,女友突向基求婚,阿基却落泪拒绝,因家规定下要长女先嫁,弟妹才能嫁娶,女友一怒之下决定分手。原来阿基的姐姐Sandra(吴君如)是一名近四十岁的老姑婆,在杂志社当总编辑,她声大无准脾气差,婚嫁之事遥遥无期。一天,大老板说要推出一本旅游杂志,这计划需多聘一名记者。阿基脑海灵光一闪,决定找花名 [情圣]的爱情骗子古仔(古天乐)帮手,以工作为名假装追求Sandra,令她再尝恋爱感觉。


Sandra终於完成手头工作,回家对两老(李香琴, 夏春秋)说:「我已有男朋友,他叫古仔!」两老听罢大喜,Sandra随即决定带两老到杭州探男友,她率先到达杭州,却见古仔及阿敏从度假屋走出,Sandra疑心顿起,决定跟踪二人,但随即感到自己亦被跟踪,回头看见一个身穿乾湿褛抽烟斗的人,原来此王生(黄百鸣)自称是私家侦探,他跟着的不是Sandra,而是阿敏。


回到香港,大老板告诉Sandra杂志社已被收购,Sandra本就是一副生意失败样,古仔亦无面目见人,阿基则为情所困,三人准备收拾细软离开,却原来新老板竟是王生。此时王生的女儿出现,原来就是阿敏。古仔真诚对阿敏表白,阿敏感动,有情人终成眷属。王生力数Sandra性格上的不是,但是她仍有一颗善良的心,於是突然拿出巨型钻戒向Sandra求婚,Sandra想起王生在她失意时一直守护在侧,感触下决定下嫁。阿基见家规终於打破,连忙飞身找哨牙珍表白爱意。最後,Sandra及王生、古仔及阿敏、阿基及哨牙珍这三对新人,重回令他们有缘走在一起的千岛湖,举办盛大的世纪婚礼...怎料 Sandra父母於婚礼现场却二话不说跳落湖, 又搅边科???

Cast: Louis Koo, Ronald Cheng, Sandra Ng

Director: Vincent Kok


Language: Mandarin

Release Date:22 January 2009

Running Time:100 minutes

Movie Code:2657


Chu 6
Afternoon went to play bowling with A Liang, Ming Hian, Chow Lin and A Huat.

very sux games... sigh
1st game - 96
2nd game - 111
3rd game - 105
4th game - 117


After having KFC with them, except A Huat, went to my 3rd sister's house for the housewarming event..
Ahhh.. . forgot to take pictures leh :(
Soon Hoe went to fetch me and A Lau, then went to my house take a look on his laptop, try to optimize its Laptop's speed.

Then played 1 vs 1 DoTA with A Lau for two games. After that, went to lim teh with them until 12.xxam.

Returned home fixed the phone for my dad & mum then slpt at about 2am.. woke up at about 7am to prepare to come to sg...


that is end of my CNY this year...

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