Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Stories from 大头芬的世界
Story 1
Story 2
sometimes, u really need third party (must know the couple well) to help to clear the misunderstanding... ppl always assume, assume and assume, the other party just dun want to listen also.. in the end, the true love is gone...
~50th day of usage~
After I top up today will have 50 days usage again.. then I have SGD41 for overseas call and sms, and SGD 100 for local call and sms..
SGD 28 lasts for 50 days.. with total 100 value..u dont have to struggling with the contract.. and it is CHEAP!!!
the cheapest u can get per month is SGD 21.. that is for 30 days only.. and so many limitations, like the free minutes, free sms and so on...
so, take my advice, cut down ur hp bill by using prepaid card (for singtel, HOT 100 top up)
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Ano†he® M@®K
I hate this.. all the scars left on my hands.. and they dont seem to be letting me off.. reminding me of the hurt, the pain and the frustration...
UH-OH!! Let's enjoy these "artistic" photos on my hand. perhaps I can take it as tattoo.....
Monday, 11 June 2007
Ocean's Thirteen
Due to the shock and furious, he had heart attack. His gang, lead by Danny and Rusty, began a series of planning for revenge.. They want to force Bank to hand over the Casino. They are pinning on hope that Reuben would recover by getting the Casino back for him..
Friday, 8 June 2007
Just early in the morning, Su called KW, asking him about his results... I started to feel nervous.. WHY???
B'coz during the exam period, I wasn't able to study. No mood to study due to the sad thing I was enduring on.. in addition of laziness and being playful (always find excuses to play game, like saying that I am under too much stress and so on).
Once again with the help from my two buddies, Ric & KW, I managed to understand some of the study materials. Then I went into the exam hall without sufficient practices.
I was so scared that I would have failed one or two subjects (in fact, only 3 subjects this semester!!!!) This was due to I didn't have much confidence in the exam. I didnt have enough knowledge and practice to answer the exam questions..
I skipped most of the questions and had left blanks in most of the questions... the situation was not looking good for me... I was getting more and more nervous..... These questions kept coming into my mind... "What if I failed? How am I going to handle more subjects in the coming semester? How would I tell my parents that I've failed?"
See?? I WASTED TIME to think about these questions... how am I going to face with the failure of the exam DURING EXAM HOURS!
Time was ticking w/o waiting for me... My answer sheets was still quite "CLEAN".. So, I closed my eyes, drank a big mouth of water, telling me I can pass this, I can break through, I will be able to think of the solution, these questions are easy......
Then, I started to use my same old tactic.. analyse what the question was asking.. what formula should I use... And I just "HAMTAM" the formula, tried to solve the questions... At this point, never head back to think if I used the wrong formula or wrong answer (sometimes u feel that the answer is quite weird, and kept looking back for error -----> WASTE TIME!!!)
So I could just pray hard to pass my exam.. as I really didn't have good prepartion for the exam.
Just now, I checked my results and I could feel my strong heartbeat...
Now, let me announced that I PASSED THE EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again, my trick works!!!!!!!! Really always use the psychological method to boost up my own confidence and helped me to breakthrough the deadlock!!!!
Even though my exam results are not that good, but I am quite satisfied to get this reslts with the insufficient preparation for the exam.
Mechanics or Materials - B
Mathematics 4 - C+
Engineering Management & Analysis - C
KW and Ric's results are around the same with me. Thanks guys, and keep it up!!!!
Finally, I feel relieved a lot... :P
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
AW!!!!!!!!! It is not as interesting as I think... In fact, it is quite boring.. When they start singing, I was like ," OH MY GOD!!! CAN U PLS STOP THIS??!!!" The ending is too short and after that, start singing for more than 5 minutes... WTF!!! So noisy!!!!! It supposed to be an hour movie, but I thought I had been watching for 2 hours!!!!!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!! What a tiring show!!!! I am so sorry for my ears.. disaster day!!!!
Singapore's animation still have a lot of room for improvement.. If they want to go for international, they need to have a big leap forward!!!!
Work hard on it (dont forget to work smart as well) , Singapore Animation!!!
(Well, luckily I still managed to laugh @ some of the contents of the movie :P - KW NEVER LAUGHED! If not wrong, he has (or nearly) fallen asleep...)
SHREK 3 is far more interesting !!!!!
东海战 Legend of the Sea !!!
东海战 is the second animation produced by Singapore (the first one was Zodiac CNY last year). The same team produces 东海战, with additional help from 林俊杰, 金莎 and 林宇中 for some characters.
Wooo Hoooo~~~~ Last Sunday went to watch Shrek 3, just after 3 days, I can attend the Legend of the Sea's movie preview. Tonight will be going with Kah Wei... Hehe....... :P
Will 林俊杰, 金莎 and 林宇中 attend? Hopefully able to take some snapshots over there and can update into my blog...
东海战 HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont believe?? Here is the PROOF!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Grandma's request??
I couldn't believe that those words were uttered out by myself.. I've longed to set up a family.. Maybe I'm trying to deceive myself? Maybe I really think out of the box.. Who knows? LoLz.
My mum told me that grandma always doesnt want to attend my siblings' wedding. This was the FIRST TIME that she asked about it and wanted to go... Ooops!!! After knowing about this, I feel regret of telling my grandma like that.. I think this will upset her.
On the other hand, I cant help much on this.. HAHA! I am now single and available, but I dun have any fancy on any other girl.. (maybe need to include yet) :P
So, Grandma, you have to wait, wait until I get married. I dun think I will rush for it. I think I will take my time on that. Hopefully you can attend it in your life time. I love you grandma :)
Take care. ^.^
Monday, 4 June 2007
My sister broke the news to me that my mother experienced breast pain for the past few weeks without letting us know. My auntie informed us..... So, my sister and I started the planning for her to come over to SG to have the check up, mammogram screening and some other detail screening, if necessary..
Mammogram, a new word for me last week.. What is mammogram?? what is that??? Here, to share this general knowledge to all of you.
What is a mammogram?
A mammogram is a special diagnostic x-ray procedure of the breasts and is very helpful in detecting breast cancer.
Why does a women need to undergo a mammogram?
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in Singapore constituting more than 20% of all cancers. Thus, a mammogram should be performed yearly, as an abnormality can develop any time.
When do I need to go for mammogram?
According to the American Cancer Society, any woman between 40 - 49 years old should have a mammogram done every 1 - 2 years. As for women over 50 years old, mammogram should be done on a yearly basis.
What do I need to prepare before mammogram?
No preparation or fasting is required and you can have it done any time. But do not use power or deodorant on your breasts or armpits on the day of examination, as it will affect the x-ray image. It will be more convenient to wear a blouse rather than a dress, as you will be asked to undress from waist up.
How long is the examination?
It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to perform the examination.
Do mammograms hurt?
A mammogram should not "really hurt." It may cause discomfort, but not out-and-out pain. Mammograms may be uncomfortable because it is necessary to spread the breast tissue out as evenly as possible to obtain a good image. This requires that the breast be sandwiched between two pieces of Plexiglass-like material on the machine. This probably does not feel very good, but the radiographer doing the mammogram should never compress the breasts to the point that it is painful. If it does truly hurt, then you should tell the radiographer so she can reposition the breast.
For more information about breast cancer, pls refer to:
Dont believe that mammogram is not hurt.. It HURTS!!!!!! My auntie and some of my relatives underwent the test and all of them said it hurts!!!!!
Finally persuaded my mum to have the check up before making appointment for mammogram..
I've prayed for her, asking my grandparents and gods to bless her.. hopefully she is ok. Mum, take care... I love you...
将军帮我把脉(左手和右手)。他说我的腰没有力了。至少在接下来的半年里,我得注意我的饮食。我不能吃辣椒,豆类,豆制成品,鸭肉,凉的菜(白菜,kangkong, ...) ,冷饮。 否则,他不会继续帮我推。
当他在帮我推时,我可以感觉得到一股气满满的渗入我的身体。痛!真的好痛!!!!! 我强忍了约十分钟,他指示我弯下腰。开始,我不敢弯太多,因为我知道我的腰弯到某个程度会很痛。他叫我敢敢弯下去!哇!这简直是要我的命!没办法,只好照着他办。出乎意料之外,真的不会那么痛!我可以弯超过我平时的极限!!
接下来,就是推我的脚了。。。。OUCH!!!!!!!! 比推我的腰更痛! 左右脚腿好了,就指示我尊下来。是好了很多,但是还有很多医治的需要。