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Thursday, 21 August 2008

My new SONY MP3 & VIDEO Player!

Bought a new Sony MP3 & Video Player @ US. Specially added 12 USD to upgrade for international warranty.. Yes.. I finally have MY OWN MP3 player.. It costs me SGD100 about in total..

When I reached home this morning (2.00am Thursday), I found that I lost my MP3 player. Had been searching all over the places, include calling to the taxi driver, but to no avail.

Why everytime I own my MP3 player will not last me longer than a week? This time only lasted with me for 2 days... and I only used it once.. in the airplane....

Losing an MP3 player is hurting... To think that I had been ripped off from being an MP3 owner for 3 times in a row is so sarcastic.

Do I really have to borrow MP3 player from my sis forever? Do I really cannot own any slightly expensive stuff myself??

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