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Friday, 24 July 2009

Singapore Red Cross 60th Anniversary Celebration on 1 Aug 2009

Singapore Red Cross will be holding its 60th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, 1 August 2009 at Playground @ The Big Splash, East Coast Park.

We are now calling 100 blood donors to form up a blood donor contingent for a 2km walk, which is a segment of the celebration. All members of the contingent will be given a red T-shirt and a cap to wear.

If you are interested to be part of the contingent, please register below by Friday, 24 July 2009.

We will be conducting a briefing session for the event on Saturday, 25 July 2009 at 11 am at Bloodbank@HSA. Your attendance is greatly appreciated and we will be issuing the T-shirt after the briefing.

To make it convenient for our participants, we will be arranging for a one-way transport to East Coast Park on the event day. The pick up time is 8:30am and pick up location is at Bloodbank@HSA.

Thank you and we look forward to your reply.

For Registration,

Please logon to Registration for Singapore Red Cross 60th Anniversary Celebration

**I am going with Mr. Goh, Miss Jess, Miss Evelyn.... ** (full name not published to protect their identity)
Else 有人又说:“没经过同意随便放上部落格。”

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