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Wednesday, 4 February 2009

NTU route :D

Payment by Giro is on 13th Feb, my last day is on 12th Feb.

I looked out so many ways to get receipt to claim.. asking for colleagues, friends and even my sis's friend to help. I looked out so many ways to get receipt to claim.. asking for colleagues, friends and even my sis's friend to help. They tried their best to help me but I still short of 1xx dollars..

After days of thinking how to SOLVE my claim issues, the greatest idea came across my mind.


YES, as simple as that. But it took me days to come up with this solution. So, I specially came to NTU early today.. (really early.. I reached here about 2.45pm, Aw.. kia su type.. just like .... *sigh*)

NTU is so big.. really need to force me to do a lot exercises (walking).. haha.. Due to nets default maximum payment per day is SGD$2,000 , I had to withdraw money and return to the SSC to complete the payment. Thinking why dont I didnt withdraw the balance before I went to the office? I've called & asked.. If I withdraw the $ before I made the payment by using nets, the $2000 payment wont go thru, only $1350 max. That's why I had to walk around. :( Sweat so much.. 严重脱水 !!!!!

(not so serious la.. LoL)..

Since I am so FREE at the sch library (after I submitted my homework, YEAH). Let me show you the Route A to Route D I walked just now...

Route A: From Bus stop (near Lee Wee Nam Library) to Student Services Centre (SSC)
Route B: From SSC to Canteen B (to withdraw the balance SGD$650.40)
Route C: From Canteen B to SSC to complete the payment.
Route D: From SSC to library to do my homework and upload to module discussion board.


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